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Meticulous planning, strict execution, efficient working.

Evergrande style is the secret to the Company's high-speed development. It's the Company's supreme style that helps create a daring, bold iron army.

Meticulous planning

Success depends upon previous preparations. Despite the size of a matter, the key lies in the planning, and despite the size of the planning, the key lies in meticulousness. The following should be guaranteed: planning is made constantly and everything is planned. Act for anything after planning is determined, think carefully before act, imagine boldly, weigh repeatedly and deploy thoroughly.

Strict execution

The devil is in the details. Overall situation consciousness and responsibility consciousness should be established to pay real attention to doing solid work, pay attention to the details and handle effectively according to the job requirements.

Efficient working

Advantage builds upon efficiency. We must be careful in all work procedures including scientific decision-making, planning management, key link, timely completion and moderate pre-schedule completion, making sure "there are clear goal, definite node and strict details", and carry out them solidly and rapidly